Friday, April 10, 2020

CET 2501-Cedar Branch library Essays - Construction,

CET 2501-Cedar Branch library Paul Stiles Greg Armour 4-27-17 Water consumption is one of the biggest issues with the world today. Cedar Rapids Public library has set a good example on what to do. The library has a very water efficient landscape they use no potable water to water plants. In order to gain the LEED platinum certification they have to implement reduction methods by any combination of these things: Plant species, density and microclimate factor.Irrigation efficiency.Use of captured rainwater.Use of recycled wastewater.Use of water treated and conveyed by a public agency specifically for nonpotable uses. The use of captured rainwater is a brilliant idea using the rain for a good thing instead of letting it just fall from the roof to the ground wasted. Using recycled wastewater is another idea with brilliant effects. If you want to have a fully operational system you need to be able to handle the water you can collect through efficient irrigation and using better water holding species. Another area to complete in order to gain LEED certification is in water reduction. For percentage of water reduction you get a certain amount of points for 30% you get two points for 35% you get three points 40% you get four points. Above are ways they can use fixtures to improve water saving methods. Another important aspect to gaining the LEED certification is energy saving or optimization of energy. To achieve increasing levels of energy performance beyond the prerequisite standard to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use. Option one "Whole building energy simulation." "In order to get this done they have to Demonstrate a percentage improvement in the proposed building performance rating compared with the baseline building performance rating. Calculate the baseline building performance according to Appendix G of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 (with errata but without addenda) using a computer simulation model for the whole building project. Projects outside the U.S. may use a USGBC approved equivalent standard" The purpose of this analysis was to: process energy is included in the office and general miscellaneous equipment, computers, elevators and escalators, kitchen ,cooking and refrigeration, laundry washing and drying, lighting exempt from this is the lighting power allowance. On site renewable energy is a very important thing to have. Making your own power is a very helpful thing when it comes to saving money. Oddly enough this building doesn't have any points for this. What it lacks in renewable energy it makes up for with green energy. The intent of this is to encourage the development and use of grid-source, renewable energy technologies on a net zero pollution basis. This is measured off of energy consumed This is building is definitely an innovation, but what about it's design? The design innovation category was very helpful in what to find to make it such an innovation.The intent of this is to provide design teams and projects the opportunity to achieve exceptional performance above the requirements set by the LEED Green Building Rating System and/or innovative performance in green building categories not specifically addressed by the LEED Green Building Rating System.There are three paths you can take to acquire this: Path one innovation in design, path two exemplary performance, and path three pilot credit. In path one there are four things to do to get it: The intent of the proposed innovation credit.The proposed requirement for compliance.The proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance.The design approach (strategies) used to meet the requirements. In path two you need to achieve exemplary performance in an existing LEED 2009 for New Construction, Schools and Core Shell pre requisite or credit that allows exemplary performance as specified in the LEED Reference Guide for Green Building Design Construction, 2009 Edition. An exemplary performance point may be earned for achieving double the credit requirements and/or achieving the next incremental percentage threshold of an existing credit in LEED. In path three you have to attempt a pilot credit available in the Pilot Credit Library. Register as a pilot credit participant and complete the required documentation. Projects may pursue up to 4 Pilot Credits total. In regional priority credits this building once again shows how good it actually is. In development density and community connectivity there are